Bruno Delmaestro Power Skating

Bruno Delmaestro Power Skating

Bruno Delmaestro Hockey School
Bruno Delmaestro has a strong background in skating, having been a three time Italian National figure skating champion, European and world competitor and a hockey player. Bruno Delmaestro has been able to transfer this success to his coaching and has been training hockey players, figure skaters and coaches for the past 24 years. Bruno Delmaestro has developed his own theory and methods for teaching hockey, ringette and figure skating. Coquitlam, Burnaby, BC

Bruno Delmaestro

School Director and Programs Designer, On-Ice Instructor
Professional Figure Skating Coach since 1985

  • 25 Year Coach at the Coquitlam Figure Skating Club
  • Skate Canada Master CanPowerskate Course Conductor for Canada
  • Powerskating Instructor